Week 42: Day 1

John 8:21-59, Luke 10-1-11:13 (Link)

Habitual Offenders. That’s what we are. If life were fair, we’d all be sent to prison with a parole board laughing at our requests for leniency. We are slaves to sin and don’t even know it. Sinning is so convenient! A shortcut here, a white lie there. Before you know it, life is looking pretty good on your empire of dirt. The truth of Jesus will set you free from all of this though. It won’t be comfortable to your fallen will, and that’s why you must be born again!

Jews and Samaritans didn’t get along. Imagine the gasps as the Samaritan was demonstrated positively here! Mercy to your friends is easy. God requires mercy to your enemies.

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Published by CoffeeSwirls